Odette McIntyre Saving your own vegetable seed to make your garden more sustainable and self-sufficient
Odette’s passion for horticulture began in Ste. Anne de Beaupré, Québec. Working alongside her father in the family garden inspired her to study in plant science and ecology at the Institut de Technologie Agricole. After graduating in 1980, she worked at the Montréal Botanical Garden for four years before moving to Toronto, where she served in a York Region municipality until her retirement.
Throughout her career, Odette specialized in sustainability and cold-climate production, experimenting with plant varieties and cultivation techniques. She earned the Master Gardener designation in 2013.
Since relocating to Ottawa to be closer to her grand-daughters, Odette has shared her knowledge through presentations and workshops to local gardening groups, the Ottawa Public Library Gardening Programs, and other community events. She now coordinates with the Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton, continuing to share her expertise in both English and French.
She will teach you how to save your own vegetable seeds to make your garden more sustainable and self-sufficient and save you money. Learn how to save heirloom varieties, not available commercially, using veggies you harvested. Keep seed from special ornamentals, native plants, medicinal plants or perennials you hybridized yourself. Connect with your local seed libraries and the vibrant community behind this return to grassroots effort.